Tuesday the 12th of September at Danceworks (Central London) from 10-4pm taught by Haiden Medina with a warm-up by Anthea Lewis

Intensive workshop featuring contemporary, ballet + freestyle dance. The workshop will mirror how a professional production is workshopped. There will be small group work and troop choreo, and everyone will also learn a short signature pose. This will build to a performance at the end of the day. Suitable for all levels. Cost £60.

Limited places - please book soon if interested. Text /Call /Whatsapp Stephen 07808 886 972

“I was drawn to Haiden because of his background in dance. I wanted a PT who would help me get healthier and stronger but wouldn't just be using machines and weights. Haiden listens, he gets to know what works for you and creates something tailored to your goals and your needs. There is no body shaming, there is no pain - it's fun and effective and I look forward to seeing him for every session.”

— Maryam