Wellness In The Workplace

Wellness, Movement and Mental Health

Working alongside Stephen McGowan, we aim to provide a unique wellness experience where employees can unwind, destress and have fun. This might include an invigorating and uplifting class; a relaxing chair massage; a postural assessment; stretching gently in a pilates/stretching session; or a check-in where employees can talk about how they currently are. We recognise the importance of good mental and physical health and the impact of stress on us all, especially after the isolating effects of the lockdowns and pandemic. Overall we aim to provide a therapeutic experience in the office or other work environment.

Haiden has a background in contemporary dance and ballet (BA Hons Contemporary Dance) and currently works as a personal trainer (Level 2 and 3 Personal Trainer Reps) and teaches barre, pilates and a signature class he named “Fitness in Motion” which comprises elements of contemporary dance and ballet with pilates and runway moves - he previously worked in the fashion industry and taught models to catwalk.

Stephen has a background in mental health (Diploma in Mental Health Nursing, BSC in Public Health) and has a Practitioners Diploma in Acupressure / On Site massage as well as a Level 5 Sports Massage qualification. He has extensive experience of working with people in different environments and believes that even a short conversation can ease a burden as well as massage skills, including looking at posture and working on improving muscle imbalances.

A package could be tailored to your needs but for example a 2 hour package could include a 'Fitness In Motion' class (participant numbers would depend on space) by Haiden, with a short break followed by a more low-key stretching / pilates class (again participant numbers would depend on space). Over the same 2 hour period Stephen would set up in a room with slots for 8 people (15 mins each). Participants could choose from a chair massage, or a postural / standing assessment with recommended home exercises, or a check-in to talk (confidentially) about their mental health / current wellbeing. Please make contact to discuss your specific needs.